i was browsing my usaul blogs i like to read and found two great ideals one is this very neat ice pack wrap you can make with a siple tea towel all you do is sew a pocket on it and then sew velcro on the sides and pop a ice pack in the pocket and wrap it around your leg and this way you can walk around if you need to i think you could make a smaller version for the kids if you wanted to maybe i just might try making a smaller one for my friend instructions are found on this lovely ladies site

also today found this great recipe for slice and bake cookies i just hate making drop cookies i can never judge how much to put on the spoon ....LOL i just love sliced cookies especially good if you are making alot of cookies like for the kids school bake sale and you can make so may variousions of the cookies , so go to this great blog for the recipe and instructions