i love this time of year the crisp fall air, the leaves turning color so here is some ideals for fall family fun that is free or almost free
Pumpkin Picking
I used to always do this one as a child its so fun for the kids and i find the kids love to pick out the pumpkin for halloween you could even let each of your kids pick a small pumkin out and some places give small ones out free you will pay anywhere between $5 - $30 dollars all depending on the weight of the pumpkin
Fall hiking
this is a real fun activity going for a hike with the kids in the woods or a city trail looking at all the fall colors is real nice and the kids will have a great time you can even colect up fallen leaves and press them and glue them into a scrap book and the great thing is this one is free
Carve Pumpkins
well after buying the pumpkins you will need to carve the pumpkins in to jack - o - latnrens so this can be a fun family activty give each child a pumpkin or if youre doing one pumpkin let them each do a part of the pumpkin and let them carve away or if there too little for that then let them draw the face on the pumpkin and an adult can carve it
Make A Scarecrow
making a scarecrow is real fun all you need is some old clothes and something to stuff it with like newspaper or hay if you can get it and something for the head a pumkin or you can sew a head with two round peices of plain fabric sew it and stuff it with some pollyfill stuffing you can even make a scare crow family