hello everyone
hope you all had a good canada day (for us canadians) here is your freebies for freebie monday
FREE U by Kotex Designer Skin (for select phone models)Get your FREE U by Kotex Designer Skin (for select phone models) while supplies last!!
Skins available for:
Blackberry Bold 9700/9780
Blackberry Curve 8520/8530
...Blackberry Torch
HTC Desire
HTC Desire HD
iPod Touch 4
Samsung Galaxy Captivate
Samsung Focus
Sony Xperia X10
Free Sample - MX Clone Gel MX Clone Gel is a rooting gel that provides the necessary ingredients to generate roots from stem or leaf cuttings. http://www.growhydroponix.com/index.php?option=com_chronocontact&chronoformname=SampleRequest2b
Livingwell Trial offer- Neutrogena 10,000 trial offers of of NEUTROGENA® Clinical® will be available on Tuesday July 5, 2011. Supplies are limitedhttp://www.livingwell.ca/trials-specialoffersutm_source=lw_eNL&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=lw-july-v1_en_emc
free kindle ebook 'Dear Cupid' by Julie Ortolon http://www.amazon.com/Dear-Cupid-ebook/dp/B0057OBRO2/ref=pd_ts_zgc_kinc_154606011-f_1?ie=UTF8&s=digital-text&pf_rd_p=1276270382&pf_rd_s=right-3&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_i=1286228011&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1E9PG84FNDHNS8BQ160J
Rexall Canada Sun Clinics FREE Photo & $5 Coupon Visit your local Rexall Pharmacies to learn abaout UV damage.The Sun Clinics offer a free personal photo taken by a UV camera that reveals areas of potential skin damage that are invisible to the naked eye.After the consultation you will also receive a $5 coupon to be used on sun care products
To find a Sun Clinic location near you click the link
Agion Free T-shirtGet a free t-shirt from Agion for just filling out a simple form! All participants will also be entered into a draw for a pair of hiking boots for filling out a short survey.http://stinkatnothing.com/index.php/the-science/
free tena sample http://scacanada.samplingnow.com/Registration.aspx
Help Build A Bike for Guam & Get a FREE TRIDENT GIFT PACK! For kids in rural Ghana, bicycles represent more than just transportation and fun. They also represent mobility, freedom and change. That’s why we named the specially-designed bicycles that we’re sending to Ghana† “Nframa”, the Ghanaian word for “wind.” Check out how bikes like these can affect the lives of the kids who receive them.
Just like their facebook page & enter 5 upc codes from cadburry products here is some
NatraTurf - Free Soil pH Test Kit
Is your soil pH optimum or is it too acidic? Before you can fix your lawn, you need to know where its pH stands. Sign up here for our free tester and you'll be well on your way to a lush, green lawn!
Free Printable Child ID Kit
Nearly 800,000 children are reported missing each year. That is approximately 2000 per day. Thankfully the vast majority are quickly recovered. The most important tools that can be provided to law enforcement to assist in a safe and quick recovery is a child id kit and fingerprints. However only 19% of American households have a completed and updated kit.
Having current information available and accessible in the event of a natural disaster or a missing or abducted child situation could literally be your child’s lifeline between life and death.
Now you can get your own FREE comprehensive Printable Child ID Kit.
NOTE - to get this freebie you do have to sign up to MAMAMOB - offering mob-umental savings, steals and deals 50% off and up on local and national mom-invented, mom-made, mom-approved and mom must have products and services.
Amazon: Free Kindle Book Download - 'Impeding Justice' by Mel Comley
Free Family Fishing No Licence Needed July 2-10/11 (ontario)
This year, July 2-10, 2011 (12:01 a.m. Saturday to 11:59 p.m. Sunday) are designated as OFFW license-free fishing days. During all other periods, most Canadian residents between the ages of 18 and 64 years must purchase an OUTDOORS card and a fishing license to legally fish in Ontario. http://www.familyfishingweekend.com/
Happy Easter Coloring Poster – Fun & Festive Printable for All Ages
Celebrate the Season with a Happy Easter Coloring Poster! Looking for a fun
and festive way to celebrate Easter? Our Happy Easter Coloring Poster is
the ...
1 week ago