I recently found out that due to new rules of facebook are accounts will be ethier disabled or shut down due to simply entering a contest on a blog where we have to like many different blog pages .Yes i enter these contests as i know many of you do and i am even promoting 2 right now but as stupid as it can be to like 50 pages sometimes just to enter a contest facebook has no right to do this .Should we stop entering blog contests for the simple fact that facebook does not want us to like so many pages ? I realize that people are buying likes just to gain more fans or spaming all over facebook but for us lagitamite contesters who follow the rules by using one account per facebook rules we should not be penalized. This also is effecting facebook freebies and coupons as people are creating multiple accounts to get multiple coupons /freebies/ contest entries this is something you DON'T DO you are ruining it for everyone else !!!!!!!! We are penalized now for even sharing contests / freebies/ or coupons as Facebook not thinks this is spamming since when has our right to share things with our friends been against the rules
I thought in usa and canada at least had freedom to speak or share on facebook apparently facebook is taking away our rights. I think mark zuckerburg should take a look at what he doing he has took our rights away to share with our friends . Who we should be friends with we should be able to be friends with who we please even if they are online friends. It should not matter what we do on facebook as long as it is not illegal like porn or cyberbulling. Give our accounts back and give our social media rights back and just leave us good people alone.
Happy Easter Coloring Poster – Fun & Festive Printable for All Ages
Celebrate the Season with a Happy Easter Coloring Poster! Looking for a fun
and festive way to celebrate Easter? Our Happy Easter Coloring Poster is
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