Tuesday, December 31, 2013

happy new year and new years resolutions

hello everyone 

i have been so bad the last couple months neglecting my poor blog now new years is upon us and no post since october oh my i must do better in the new year i must now make my goals aka resolutions for the new year and guess what is on the top of the list ???

1. blog more often and keep on schedule - i have been so involved in other things i have forgotten my dear readers i vow to keep myself on track

2. take on less - i take on too many things at once committees, groups, planning things i don't leave time for other things like my social life or blogging anymore 

3. get organized  - i need to get organized with my home and life 

5. loose more weight - i did really good this year i know it will not come off all in one year but i know i can do this 

so what is your new years resolutions ????