hello everyone
I hope you are all having a good week since i came back from my blogging break i had totally forgot about Monday music moves me so without further ado here is what i am listening to this week
this one has always been one of my favorites and well i love dirty dancing and Jennifer grey is such a great actress in this movie and well i just like looking at Patrick swayze 
okay i really love Adam rose and think he is so sexy and he is a wrestler
i just love his little entourage that follows him down to the ring

he is just so awesome but his song is such a great tune i love to dance to it 
this one is one of my favorites ok i was born well after 1967 but my dad listened to all these older songs i guess i got used to hearing them and picked up some of his music taste
I have always been a big pink fan and this song always makes me feel good kinda reminds me how i felt when i was younger without the stealing and causing trouble thing
this song i love from the twilight movie it really suits Edward and Bella's love for each other
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and that's it until next week dont forget to check the rest of the blog out